Toyota Forced to Close San Antonio Truck Plant for Storm Repairs

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Severe storms in the San Antonio, Texas area have forced Toyota to shut down operation at the Tundra/Tacoma plant for a few days. This could put a tight squeeze on sales volume.

Toyota Forced to Close San Antonio Truck Plant for Storm Repairs

The storm caused significant damage to the roof causing water leaks and power problems according to a My San Antonio news story.

Toyota says they sent home the first shift on Wednesday as managers assessed the damage. Early estimates are the plant won’t be back in full operation until Friday.

Gauging exactly how much production Toyota will lose is too early to determine, but it could be anywhere from several hundred to several thousand units. It is also too early to tell how this will affect monthly and yearly sales figures. If the plant is up and running by Friday, the shutdown will likely be an after thought on the grand scheme of things.

Filed Under: Tundra News


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